Monday, March 16, 2009

Meet Lexi Taub, Founder of

Lexi Taub, 15, started to raise money for cancer research. Cancer has touched her life personally. Both her best friend's mother and her Aunt Sandy died from breast cancer. Lexi has seen the effects on her best friend, Sloan, from losing her mother. She says, "Both women have shaped my life. I understand the importance of family and support, and recognize how lucky I am. I also know how important it is to have people researching treatments for this horrible disease."

Lexi began participating in breast cancer fundraisers when she was three, and by the time she was seven, she had set up raffle stands and sold candy at local ball fields. "Sloan and I have participated in the American Cancer Society walk since its inception at Purchase College. For the past four years, I have organized a raffle at a local charity luncheon, calling for jewelry designers to donate their work. In 2007, I founded and began selling charms. I want to help find a cure for this [awful] disease." 100% of all proceeds go to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Kudos to Lexi for her dedication to the fight against breast cancer. HCZ suggests that you check out the necklaces, which range in price from $60-360.

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