Sunday, May 31, 2009

Secret Wonder: FOLATE (Folic Acid)

Common fact: folate (folic acid) is vital to take if you're pregnant. What you may not know, however, are the other perks of this B vitamin. Folic acid is necessary to take to have healthy DNA. Women who have higher levels of folic acid in their diet, have a much lower risk of getting breast cancer than women who don't eat enough foods rich in folate. You'll especially want to take the supplement if you drink alcohol on a fairly regular basis, since it has been proven that alcohol actually BLOCKS folic acid from helping DNA.

Folate can also help with depression, because it helps to balance mood-balancing dopamine and serotonin. In fact, people with a history of depression often have a lower level of folic acid in their blood. Make sure to take the supplements for a year.

Another bonus: Folate has been known to aid one's memory and brain function in postmenopausal women. Plan on taking folic acid daily for life, because its benefits are great!

How much: Take a minimum of 400mcg of folic acid, but no more than 1,000mcg.
What has it: A 3/4c. serving of Total cereal meets the daily requirement! It's also in spinach, broccoli, asparagus, orange juice, black-eyed peas, and fortified grain products and breads. A supplement is usually a good idea in addition to these foods, as you probably won't eat enough of one (besides Total!) to get enough. Definitely take a supplement if you're expecting to get pregnant soon.

Be sure to visit our health column for more tips on healthy foods to eat.

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